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Project Voice Offers Forum for Self Expression

National Honor Society was excited to bring Project V.O.I.C.E. (Vocal Outreach into Creative Expression) to YISS on November 26: a forum for students and teachers to freely share their ideas, talents, wisdom, knowledge, works/creations, and insight. The theme this year was Reaching Forward, as well as a sub-theme of "What I'm Thankful For" for the special Thanksgiving edition.

Make sure to take a look at the member-made preview video and promotional poster!

On the day of the event, many excited students gathered in the multi-purpose room to hear what their fellow students had to say. Speakers spoke on a variety of topics ranging from Star Wars to God's blessings to the stars in our hearts. The audience also went through a series of emotions from passive reflection to hoots and snorts of laughter. All in all, this vocal outreach into creative expression touched a lot of people and provided a great opportunity for both students and teachers to bond over similar views and find some comic relief in each other.

Thank you to all who participated and attended Project Voice!

Cavani Sensei gives his personal opinion on the Poetry Slam with his own original poem.

Mystery Speaker Mr. Kim presents on what it took to discover himself.

Sophomore Gina S passionately discusses the serious issue of bullying.

Junior Kenneth Y humorously shares how he found his true self at Comic-Con in Rhode Island.

Junior Kenneth Y humorously shares how he found his true self at Comic-Con in Rhode Island.

Sophomores Matthew C and Josh K sing their hearts out to an inspirational ballad.

Junior Alberta Y talks about the importance of the panda in the world's environment.

Junior Martin Y relates the big impact Star Wars had on his life and releases the trailer.

Junior Calista O relates what it feels like to have genuine friends, family, and deal with the haters.

Junior Eugene M sings for the tragedies that happened in Paris and throughout the world.


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Yongsan International School of Seoul

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