2017-2018 The National Honor Society And Its 4 Pillars

For the year of 2017-2018, the NHS has decided to focus on serving the school community through various projects. Each member will be placed in a group based on one of the four NHS pillars, which are scholarship, leadership, service, and character. In those groups, members will discuss and initiate projects associated with their NHS pillars. Members will be involved in tutoring sessions as well throughout the school year. Below are brief descriptions of the four NHS pillars:
A student with scholarship attends all club meetings and maintains a cumulative GPA higher than 3.90.
A student with service is always willing to help and make voluntary contributions to the school community.
A student with leadership promotes activities, finds solutions to problems, creates ideas, and serves as a positive example for others.
A student with character exemplifies good conduct, shows respect for others, and makes decisions based on ethical principles.